Qabel is a software platform that makes communication and data exchange on the Internet as technically safe as currently possible and thus easy to use. It is a free, open-source (not in accordance with the OSI), decentralized and expandable platform, that hides data and metadata from everyone and particularly the provider.

Messages do not contain user related meta data. Consequently user relations like who communicates and exchanges data with whom remain as far as possible hidden, even from the provider. Qabel does the cryptography completely on the client side and keeps it in the hands of users.

The software “Qabel” is licensed under the QaPL, a specially developed license, which’s source code is open. The QaPL can neither be classified according to the standards of the Free Software Foundation (FSF), nor to the standards of the Open Source Initiative (OSI) as “Free Software License” or “Open Source License” respectively.

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